Sharon J Writing


The Can-demic

**This was written in 2020 during the pandemic while in my graduate writing program. I stumbled across it in my files and was feeling nostalgic. ** Americans have been inundated with COVID-19 as the virus has spread across the globe. Twenty-four-hour media coverage shows enough to leave us feeling informed, yet uninformed. We in the…

Writing: A Rollercoaster

Writing can be one of the most stressful past times, or it can be the most exhilarating. Do early experiences make the difference or is the long road that makes the difference? I have always been a creative writer. I have written poems, short stories and even a manuscript (or two, possibly three). Some pieces…

Love at First Write

I cannot remember a time when I did not write to express the whirling spiral of thoughts in my brain, whether it was logical or emotional. I have written poems, short stories and even a manuscript (or two, possibly three). Some pieces have been written easily and some have felt like each word was being…

Critical Condition

When I hear people talk about hating to write or complaining about having to write something, I am always struck with surprise. For me, writing is a way for me to think through an issue. Whether it is personal or professional, I can always think clearer when I am writing it. Thank you to all…


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